You might not know it, but you shouldn’t be feeding your pet some of the most common foods that you eat. Common human foods can make your pet sick, so in this article we’ll take a look at 16 different types of food that you should never give to your pet.
What are the 16 foods you should NEVER give your pet?
There are a lot of foods that we enjoy that our pets should not eat. Some of these foods can be toxic to them and can cause serious health problems. It is important to be aware of what these foods are so that you can keep your pet safe.
1. Chocolate:
Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which is toxic to dogs and cats. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and even death in severe cases.
2. Coffee and tea:
Both coffee and tea contain caffeine, which is also toxic to pets. Caffeine can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and heart arrhythmias.
3. Alcohol:
Alcohol is toxic to all animals and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and even death.
4. Grapes and raisins:
Grapes and raisins contain toxins that can cause kidney damage in dogs. They should be avoided entirely.
5. Onions and garlic:
These vegetables contain compounds that can damage red blood cells and cause anemia in dogs and cats. They should be avoided as well.
6. Xylitol:
This artificial sweetener is found in many products, including gum, candy, and some peanut butter brands. It is toxic to dogs and can cause low blood sugar, seizures, and even death.
7. Cooked bones:
While it may seem natural to give your dog a bone to chew on, cooked bones can splinter and cause choking or digestive blockages. They should be avoided.
8. Moldy or spoiled food:
Moldy or spoiled food can contain toxins that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other health problems in pets. It is best to avoid giving them any food that is past its expiration date or that has been sitting out for too long.
9. Cat litter:
Cat litter often contains clay, which can cause gastrointestinal blockages if ingested by dogs. It is best to keep it out of reach.
10. Dogs:
While most people think of dogs as man’s best friend, not all dogs are friendly towards other animals. In fact, some dogs can be quite aggressive and may attack other pets in the home. If you have a dog, it is important to keep it away from your other animals to prevent any accidents from happening.
11. Raw eggs:
Raw eggs can contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning in pets. They should be cooked before being given to your pet.
12. Milk:
Milk and other dairy products can cause digestive problems in pets, such as diarrhea. It is best to avoid giving them milk or any other dairy products.
13. Sugar:
Sugar can lead to obesity and other health problems in pets. It is best to avoid giving them sugary foods or drinks.
14. Salt:
Salt can cause dehydration and other health problems in pets. It is best to avoid giving them salty foods or drinks.
15. Fat trimmings:
Fat trimmings from meat can cause pancreatitis in dogs and cats. They should be avoided entirely.
16. Raw meat: Raw meat can contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning in pets. It is best to cook it before feeding it to your pet.
Why is it bad for your pet?
Foods You Should Never Give Your Pet. There are several reasons why it is bad to give your pet certain foods. Some foods can be toxic to pets, while others can cause digestive problems. Here are some of the foods you should never give your pet:
– Chocolate:
Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, which is toxic to dogs and cats. Even a small amount of chocolate can make your pet sick.
– onions:
Onions contain a substance called thiosulphate, which can be toxic to pets. Eating onions can cause anemia in dogs and cats.
– Garlic:
Garlic contains a substance called thiosulphate, which can be toxic to pets. Eating garlic can cause anemia in dogs and cats.
– Grapes and raisins:
Grapes and raisins contain a substance called cyanide, which is poisonous to pets. Eating grapes or raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs and cats.
– Xylitol:
Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is safe for humans but poisonous to pets. Eating xylitol can cause liver failure in dogs and potentially fatal low blood sugar in cats.
Other foods you should not feed your pet
In addition to the obvious foods like chocolate and candy, there are a few other types of food that you should never give your pet.
One type of food to avoid is anything that contains xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is often used in sugar-free gum and candy. It can be very dangerous to pets, even in small amounts. If your pet ingests xylitol, it can cause a drop in blood sugar, leading to weakness and loss of coordination. In severe cases, it can cause liver failure.
Another type of food to avoid giving your pet is anything that contains onions or garlic. These ingredients can cause anemia in pets. So, it’s best to avoid giving them any foods that contain these ingredients, such as pizza or spaghetti sauce.
Finally, you should also avoid giving your pet any caffeine-containing foods or drinks. Caffeine can be very dangerous to pets and can cause symptoms like restlessness, panting, and increased heart rate. In severe cases, it can lead to seizures or death.
Pets are like family, and we want to give them the best of everything. But when it comes to food, there are some things that our furry friends should never eat. From chocolate to onions, these 16 foods can be dangerous (and even deadly) for your pet. So next time you’re feeling generous and want to share your meal with Fido or Fluffy, make sure you check this list first!